This post is part of a series on What is Sloww?:
- Sloww Stage Support (Lifelong Learning & Deeper Development): How do I develop by learning?
- Sloww Stage 1 (Intentional Living): How do I design a lighter life?
- Sloww Stage 2 (Life Purpose): How do I find a higher purpose?
- Sloww Stage 3 (Mental Mastery): How do I build a better mind?
- Sloww Stage 4 (Spiritual Seeing): How do I see beyond mind?
Stage Support Contents:
UPDATE: The new Synthesizer course for this stage is now live!

Sloww Stage Support (Lifelong Learning & Deeper Development): How do I develop by learning?
Overview of Stage Support
Stage Support Inquiring Question:
- How do I develop by learning? Learning and development have been the foundation of everything from the very beginning. When I was deep in my existential crisis in late 2015, my natural instinct was to question everything and start searching for answers. Searching led to researching which led to a lot of reading. Reading led to notetaking and summarizing. The more I learned, the more I started to analyze. And, ultimately, it all converged on synthesizing. The visual below shows how a lifelong learning structure supports all deeper development stages. This lifelong learning is considered “horizontal development” (or “translation”/”transfer”) because it’s adding new skills, information, and knowledge to your current “stage” of mind—as opposed to deeper development which is considered “vertical development” (or “transformation”) because it’s accessing new worldviews, perspective-taking, and meaning-making. This will make more sense as the blanks are completed in the rest of the post series, but here’s more about the relationship between horizontal and vertical development if you’re interested.
Stage Support Learning Focus:
- Synthesizers focusing on the ‘meta-crisis’ by asking questions, crossing disciplines, and connecting dots (study subjects include: living inquiry, knowledge integration, transformative learning, interdisciplinarity, human development, etc).
Stage Support Developing Self:
- Any developing self sense applies here since this is support for all stages.

Stage Support Posts (Full List)
Note: Links with a lock icon (🔒) go to a Premium post.
Posts on Inquiring, Reading, Notetaking, & Synthesizing
- 10 Deep Characteristics of Living Life as Inquiry + 🔒 Living Inquiry Synthesis: 20 Characteristics of Living Life as Inquiry
- “First Person Action Research” by Judi Marshall (Book Summary)
- 50+ Quotes to inspire Inquiring Minds to start Questioning Everything
- What’s between Question & Answer? (Francis Lucille & Rupert Spira Excerpts)
- “How to Take Smart Notes” by Sönke Ahrens (Book Summary) + 🔒 Premium Summary
- Zettelkasten 101: An Intro to the Smart Note-Taking System of Niklas Luhmann
- “Building a Second Brain” by Tiago Forte (Book Summary)
- The Synthesizer Manifesto: Here’s to the Synthesizing Minds
- What is the SYNTHE System? (Synthesizer Course Preview)
- 25 Synthesis Quotes to inspire the Aspiring Synthesizers
- 🔒 Meta-Synthesis: 100+ Quotes on Synthesis, Synthesizers, & Synthesizing Minds
- “A Synthesizing Mind” by Howard Gardner (Book Summary) + 🔒 Premium Summary
- Synthesizers: Why the Future Belongs to the Idea Connectors
- Combinatorial Creativity: The Art of “New” Ideas & Why Everything is a Remix
- 🔒 Maria Popova Synthesis: How to be a World-Class Synthesizer like “Brain Pickings” (+ Infographic)
Posts on Lifelong, Interdisciplinary, & Transformative Learning
Lifelong Learning:
- “Make It Stick” by by Peter Brown, Henry Roediger III, & Mark McDaniel (Book Summary) + 🔒 Premium Summary
- “Teaching Complex Ideas” by Arnold Wentzel (Book Summary)
- “The Art of Learning” by Josh Waitzkin (Book Summary)
- “Ultralearning” by Scott Young (Book Summary + Infographic)
- “Range” by David Epstein (Book Summary)
- “Learning in Adulthood” by Sharan Merriam & Lisa Baumgartner (Book Summary)
Interdisciplinary Learning:
- “So, what do you do?” An Introduction to Synthesis, Integration, Interdisciplinarity, & More
- “Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies” by by Allen Repko, Rick Szostak, & Michelle Phillips Buchberger (Book Summary)
- “Interdisciplinary Research” by Allen Repko & Rick Szostak (Book Summary)
- 🔒 Interdisciplinary Synthesis: How to be an Interdisciplinarian (+ Infographics)
- “7 Transdisciplinary Cognitive Skills for Creative Education” by Danah Henriksen (Book Summary)
Transformative Learning:
- “Transformative Dimensions of Adult Learning” by Jack Mezirow (Book Summary)
- “Understanding and Promoting Transformative Learning” by Patricia Cranton (Book Summary)
- 🔒 Transformative Learning Synthesis: How to Transform Your Perspective (+ Infographics)
Posts on Meta-Crisis & Deeper Development
Meta-Crisis Overview:
- 50+ Deep Perspectives on Humanity’s Underlying & Ultimate Challenge (Hint: Ourselves)
- A Crisis of Crises: What is the Meta-Crisis? (+ Infographics)
- Introducing the “Meta-Crisis Meta-Resource”: A Digital Directory of all People & Projects in the Wisdom Web
- 🔒 Stream of Consciousness: Is the Meta-Crisis a Me-Crisis?
Human Development Overview:
- Human Development 101: What are Horizontal & Vertical Development?
- “Raise a Genius!” by László Polgár (Book Summary) + 🔒 Premium Summary
- Polarity Thinking 101: An Introduction to the Power of Polarities (+ Visuals)
- What is Spiritual Intelligence? The Twenty-One Skills of “SQ21” by Cindy Wigglesworth (Book Summary)
- 10 Thoughtful Quotes on Accepting & Appreciating People for Who they Are
- 🔒 Stream of Consciousness: What is the Subject-Object Relationship?
- 🔒 Stream of Consciousness: How Many Perspectives Can You Take?
- 🔒 Nora Bateson Synthesis: Is Developmental Stage Theory BS?
Ego Development Theory (Susanne Cook-Greuter):
- An Introduction to “Ego Development Theory” by Susanne Cook-Greuter (EDT Summary)
- Humanity is Stuck in Development: Civilization’s Critical Evolution to the “Watershed Stage” in Ego Development Theory
- “Postautonomous Ego Development” by Susanne Cook-Greuter (Book Summary)
- 🔒How to Develop a Mature Ego with “Postautonomous Ego Development” by Susanne Cook-Greuter
- 🔒 Behind the Scenes: My Ego Development Theory Self-Assessment
- 🔒 Behind the Scenes: How my Personal Development Journey maps to Ego Development Theory (Sloww Stages vs EDT Stages)
Integral Theory (Ken Wilber):
- 20 Tenets of Integral Theory: An Intro to the Philosophical Principles of Ken Wilber
- “The Integral Vision” by Ken Wilber (Book Summary)
- “A Brief History of Everything” by Ken Wilber (Book Summary)
- “A Theory of Everything” by Ken Wilber (Book Summary)
- “Integral Psychology” by Ken Wilber (Book Summary)
- “Integral Spirituality” by Ken Wilber (Book Summary)
- “Finding Radical Wholeness” by Ken Wilber (Book Summary)
- 🔒 Integral Psychology & Spirituality Synthesis: How to Develop Holistically (10+ Visuals)
- 🔒 How to Wake Up with The Witness & One Taste from Ken Wilber (+ Infographic)
- 🔒 Ken Wilber Synthesis: Everything about Integral Theory (10+ Visuals)
Hierarchy of Needs (Abraham Maslow):
- “The Farther Reaches of Human Nature” by Abraham Maslow (Book Summary)
- Maslow’s Holarchy of Needs: Should the Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid be Redesigned?
- What is Self-Actualization? Here’s what Maslow said about Self-Actualizers
- 🔒 Self-Actualization Synthesis: How to be a Healthy Self-Actualizer (+ 2 Infographics)
- 🔒 Behind the Scenes: My Self-Actualization Self-Assessment
- What is Transcendence? The True Top of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- 24 Characteristics of the Self-Actualizing Transcender (Maslow Theory Z Summary)
- 🔒 Transcendence Synthesis: How to be a Self-Actualizing Transcender (+ Infographic)
- “Transcend” by Scott Barry Kaufman (Book Summary)
- Why we Need to Evolve Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs from a Pyramid to a Sailboat Metaphor
- What is Gerotranscendence & Can You Experience it at a Younger Age?
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