What stage am I currently at in Ego Development Theory? EDT is work completed by Susanne Cook-Greuter over the last several decades.
This is the second self-assessment I'm conducting (the first was on self-actualization). As mentioned previously, my aim here isn’t to be scientific (self-assessments are subject to self-bias). I just want to attempt to get a directional sense of how I’m doing—better understand where I feel like I’m excelling and where I have opportunities for growth. If you’re interested in doing the same, simply take this post and give yourself your own assessment!
Premium Post Contents:
- Some EDT things to keep in mind
- My Overall Self-Assessment
- Stage 3: Group-Centric / Conformist / Diplomat (Self-Assessment)
- Stage 3/4: Skill-Centric / Self-Conscious / Expert (Self-Assessment)
- Stage 4: Self-Determining / Conscientious / Achiever (Self-Assessment)
- Stage 4/5: Self-Questioning / Individualist / Pluralist (Self-Assessment)
- Stage 5: Self-Actualizing / Autonomous / Strategist (Self-Assessment)
- Stage 5/6: Construct-Aware / Ego-Aware / Magician / Alchemist (Self-Assessment)
- Stage 6: Unitive (Self-Assessment)

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