Mini Mind is 365 daily emails of bite-size brain food.
Every single day for a year, I’ll introduce you to a new cognitive concept including all the top: mental models, cognitive biases, effects, errors, fallacies, heuristics, illusions, laws, paradoxes, principles, and more!
This is by far my biggest curation project to date. As far as I can tell, you will not find anything else out there as comprehensive and concise as Mini Mind.
As they say, “An applied learning a day keeps the deluded thinking away!”

Mini Mind: 365 Daily Emails of Bite-Size Brain Food
Page Contents: Click a link to jump to a section below
- Why does this exist?
- Why a daily email?
- What are the details?
- How about an example email?
- FAQs (testimonials, cost, etc)
Why does this exist?
Over the last year, I ventured down the rabbit hole of mental models and cognitive biases. I read the books The Great Mental Models, Super Thinking, The Art of Thinking Clearly, Seeking Wisdom, and Poor Charlie’s Almanack. I also read the Wikipedia lists of cognitive biases, psychological effects, eponymous laws, and many (many) more.
Then, I compiled everything into the massive 🔒Mental Mastery Cheatsheet. But, a spreadsheet of 650+ rows sorted alphabetically can be quite overwhelming. I wanted to actually expose myself to these concepts consistently to build awareness—and ultimately deeper practice and mastery.
So, I went a couple steps further…
Why a daily email?
Optimal Learning: I aimed to incorporate interdisciplinarity, interleaving, and spaced repetition:
- First, I paired similar concepts together—650+ concepts organized into 365 emails.
- Next, I grouped the emails into themes—12 themed modules with ~30 emails each.
Email Delivery: Mini Mind is delivered as a daily email (you could call it “cerebremail” 🧠 📧) for a few reasons:
- Email is asynchronous so you can engage on your own time (vs a text message which interrupts you).
- Email allows for messages of varying lengths with links to more reading.
- Email allows for easier copy/paste to a “second brain” note system.
- Email is more easily searchable.
In a Nutshell: Each daily email is its own short introduction to a concept. And, that concept is part of its themed module. So, we are getting spaced repetition of similar concepts over the course of a module, and the modules themselves are interleaved with each other over the course of the year (6 cognitive bias modules, 3 mental model modules, 2 psychological immunity modules, and 1 strong arguments module). All in all, the goal is for the breadth and depth of concepts to give us an interdisciplinary approach for better learning. At the same time, it’s up to each of us to take the concepts from theory to practice to mastery.
What are the details?
Here’s an overview of the 12 Mini Mind modules:

Module 1: Mental Models (Core Thinking)
- Map is not the Territory, Circle of Competence, First Principles Thinking, + 25 more
Module 2: Cognitive Biases (Memory & Learning)
- Curse of Knowledge, Hindsight Bias, Zeigarnik Effect, + 27 more
Module 3: Charlie Munger (Psychological Tendencies)
- Reciprocation Tendency, Social Proof Tendency, Lollapalooza Tendency, + 29 more
Module 4: Mental Models (Science, Physics, Chemistry, & Biology)
- Complexity, Emergence, Critical Mass, + 28 more
Module 5: Cognitive Biases (Beliefs, Perceptions, & Emotions)
- Survivorship Bias, Confirmation Bias, Motivated Reasoning, + 32 more
Module 6: Psychological Immunity (Memes, Media, & Memory)
- Mimesis, Overton Window, Illusory Truth Effect, + 24 more
Module 7: Mental Models (Math, Probability/Statistics, Engineering, & Economics)
- Compounding, Incentives, Externalities, + 30 more
Module 8: Cognitive Biases (Planning, Judgment, & Decisions)
- Planning Fallacy, Murphy’s Law, Sunk Cost Fallacy, + 25 more
Module 9: Strong Arguments (Fallacies & Faulty Reasoning)
- Ad Hominem, Hasty Generalization, Straw Man Fallacy, + 24 more
Module 10: Cognitive Biases (Self & Interpersonal)
- Introspection Illusion, Dunning-Kruger Effect, In-Group Favoritism, + 28 more
Module 11: Psychological Immunity (Warfare, Propaganda, & Misinformation)
- Psychological Warfare, Fake News, Groupthink, + 27 more
Module 12: Cognitive Biases (Fun & Technology)
- Cocktail Party Effect, Google Effect, Joy’s Law, + 30 more
How about an example email?
If you receive the Sloww Sunday newsletter, then the Mini Mind email format will feel very familiar.
Each daily email:
- Introduces you to a new concept with a short description.
- Includes a supporting quote (when applicable).
- Includes a “Mind Match” related concept with a short description (when applicable).
- Includes links to resources for further reading.
Here’s Mini Mind in action:
As a bonus: progress tracking is included after each quarter of modules are completed:

What are Mini Minders saying?
“Thank you for creating Sloww and Mini Mind. I am a Mini Mind subscriber and like the bite-sized format. I am finding it very insightful. The segment on human memory and the tricks the mind can play are very useful. The Charlie Munger series is especially well articulated. And, I like the additional reference material you share in the email.”

Uma K.
Mini Minder“I loved the Charlie Munger series. All of ways that we look at the world, and all of the ways we can improve our ability to see more clearly through our own biases, should be required reading in our schools. Keep up the good work.”

Mike B.
Mini Minder“Congratulations on launching Mini Mind! I’ve subscribed.”

Jim O.
Mini Minder“I’m a big fan of your work and the amount of detail and effort you put into everything. I love the summaries and look forward to these bite-sized nuggets on a daily basis.”

Tom S.
Mini Minder“The price is actually quite low when compared to other learning resources.”

Amit T.
Mini Minder“Really cool product idea!”

Jakob G.
Mini Minder“Let’s dive into this Mini Mind journey!”

Elien T.
Mini Minder“Sloww looks very interesting both as a personal & professional inspiration! Mini Mind in particular looks super cool … Very hyped to have discovered Kyle, and now subscribed!”

Clo S.
Mini Minder“I soooo identify with your journey. I’ve joined Mini Mind and am inspired by you!”

Della C.
Mini Minder“I’m in!”

Steve D.
Mini MinderHow much does it cost?
- Mini Mind is only $95 for non-members, or $75 for Sloww Premium members. That’s right! With lifetime access, you can go through Mini Mind as many years as you wish (or complete a year, take a year off, come back for another year).
Can I get a bulk discount for my company, class, club, etc?
- Yes! Please email me at kyle(at)sloww(dot)co and let me know what you are thinking. We can work out a rate, payment method, and the best way to get everyone signed up successfully.
This all sounds great, but what if I still have buyer’s remorse and want a refund?
- No hard feelings. Send me an email at kyle(at)sloww(dot)co within 30 days of the initial purchase with your name, email address you used to sign up, and reason for the requested refund.
Have another question?
- Email me directly at kyle(at)sloww(dot)co.