Am I self-actualized? How do I know if I'm even on the right track?
I thought it could be fun to take the self-actualization synthesis and turn it into an informal self-actualization self-assessment.
Of course, self-actualization isn't as simple as fulfilling a checklist of characteristics. My aim here isn't to be scientific (self-assessments are subject to self-bias). I just want to attempt to get a directional sense of how I'm doing—better understand where I feel like I'm excelling and where I have opportunities for growth. If you're interested in doing the same, simply take this post and give yourself your own assessment!
"Only a small proportion of the human population gets to the point of identity, or of selfhood, full humanness, self-actualization, etc., even a society like ours which is relatively one of the most fortunate on the face of the earth. This is our great paradox. We have the impulse toward full development of humanness. Then why is it that it doesn’t happen more often? What blocks it?" — Maslow
Premium Post Contents:
- The Characteristics of Self-Actualization (Self-Assessment)
- Metamotivated by the Being-Values (Self-Assessment)
- Discovery of Who You Are (Self-Assessment)
- Discovery of What You Do (Self-Assessment)
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