The Sloww Synthesizer course is the flagship course for ‘synthesizing minds’—the most important mind of the future. Ready to future-proof your mind and become a world-class thinker?

If you already know you want to join:
Synthesizer Course: Catalyze a 21st-Century Synthesizing Mind

Course + Community Overview
About the course in my own words:
This is the course I wish existed years ago to help me better understand and utilize my own synthesizing mind. Unlike other courses where there’s either no community or the community is separate from the course, the Synthesizer course and community live together in the Sloww Society that runs on Circle (accessible on desktop, tablet, mobile). The course content is self-paced (with lifetime access!) and totals over 10+ hours of multimedia learning (video, audio, infographics, text). Students will receive a “🧠 Synthesizer” tag in the community and can comment and interact with each other on all 75 course lessons—as well as participate in additional private spaces for student introductions, course conversations, a synthesizer showcase, help chat, and more:

🗺️ Course Modules Roadmap:
For the first time ever—never shared before anywhere else—this course presents a new strategic framework called the SYNTHE System along with the step-by-step process I’ve developed over the last decade to produce almost 700 posts on Sloww including: 175+ email newsletters, 150+ Premium posts and infographics, 125+ book summaries, a full reading list, digital products, side projects, eBooks, and even this course itself! It’s essentially everything I’ve learned to be called the “GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) resource”:

Here’s the roadmap of the course journey we’ll go on together in 8 modules totaling 75 lessons:
📝 Course Modules Detail:
Aside from the Welcome & Wrapup modules, here’s a breakdown of the main modules for the SYNTHE System:
🔥 SPARK (Observe + Question): 10 Lessons ↓
Core Concepts: Five Minds & Multiple Intelligences; Living Inquiry
How-Tos: My Synthesizing Mind & Your Synthesizing Mind; Jim Collins (Flywheel Effect); Howard Gardner (Personal Flywheel & Synthesizing Mind); Maria Popova (Personal Flywheel & Synthesizing Mind); Sönke Ahrens (Personal Flywheel); Ken Wilber (Synthesizing Mind)
Brain Bonuses: Transformative Learning Synthesis & Infographics; Living Inquiry Synthesis & Infographic
❤️ YEARN (Search + Curate): 10 Lessons ↓
Core Concepts: Burning Yearning & Intellectual Need; Interdisciplinarity; Specialists, Generalists, & Curators
How-Tos: Search & Research, Acquire & Analyze; Determine Your Disciplines; Curate & Cite; Curating Sloww Sunday & Synthesis Mind
Brain Bonuses: How to be an Interdisciplinarian Synthesis & Infographics
🌐 NOTE (Read + Note): 10 Lessons ↓
Core Concepts: Reading Levels & Speeds; Dialectical Detachment, Coming to Terms, & Creating Common Ground; Physical Notes & Digital Notes
How-Tos: Pick Books; Read & Note
Brain Bonuses: “How to Read a Book” Summary & Infographics; “How to Take Smart Notes” Summary & Infographics
⚡️ THINK (Summarize + Synthesize): 10 Lessons ↓
Core Concepts: Thematic Thinking & Double Clicking; Summary & Synthesis; Spacing & Interleaving, Elaboration & Generation
How-Tos: Summarize; Public & Premium Summaries; Synthesize; Premium Syntheses
Brain Bonuses: “Make It Stick” Summary & Infographic
🚀 HATCH (Write + Create): 10 Lessons ↓
Core Concepts: Combinatorial Creativity; Imitation, Inception, Incubation, Immersion, & Interruption; Synthesis Monetization
How-Tos: Align Your Art Forms; Write & Design; Creating eBooks (Hierarchy of Happiness & Ikigai 2.0); Creating Digital Products (Mini Mind & Wise Walk)
Brain Bonuses: “Ikigai 2.0” eBook & Workbook
🌌 EVOLVE (Discuss + Develop): 10 Lessons ↓
Core Concepts: Dialectic, Dialogue, Discourse; Perspective Transformation; Horizontal & Vertical Development
How-Tos: Share & Handle Feedback; Evolve a Project/Product; Develop Your Self (Sloww & Sloww Stages)
Brain Bonuses: Ego Development Theory Self-Assessment; EDT & Sloww Stages Comparison
📆 Live Group Calls:

While the base course and community are self-paced and asynchronous, there will also be live group calls (called “Synthesizer Summits”) that will be held quarterly. And, here’s the kicker: you get lifetime access to live calls! So, join a few calls, take a few off, come back the following year—it’s totally up to you. This gives you extra accountability by meeting other course students and myself on a recurring basis. You will be granted access to the private “📆 Synthesizer Calls” space in the community where you will see upcoming calls and be able to RSVP (calls will happen live within this same Circle space).
- Intent: These calls will be designed to answer all your questions live, share new updates, go into deeper dives/demos, and more.
- Length: I’ll plan for 1-2 hours but stay as needed to answer all questions (the first call went 2 hours).
- Timezone: I’ll determine the best timezone for the call based on the majority of students who sign up for this, but I may also rotate timezones for each call throughout the year to make it more accessible.
- Recordings: Since not everyone can always make it live, calls will also be recorded and shared. If you know you can’t join a call but still want to ask a question, you can submit your question in advance and I’ll answer it on the call.
Included Brain Bonuses
🧠 Brain Bonus: Synthesis Mind Wiki Microsite
All course students get access to the Synthesis Mind—a private learning wiki with 200+ notes networked and concepts connected that creates a comprehensive wisdom web. As far as I can tell, there’s nothing else like this online related to this subject matter:
🔓 Brain Bonus: Premium Posts & Infographics
Whether you’re already a Sloww Premium member or not, all students receive access to 8 Premium posts to dive deeper including: Transformative Learning Synthesis & Infographics; Living Inquiry Synthesis & Infographic; How to be an Interdisciplinarian Synthesis & Infographics; “How to Read a Book” Summary & Infographics; “How to Take Smart Notes” Summary & Infographics; “Make It Stick” Summary & Infographic; Ego Development Theory Self-Assessment; EDT & Sloww Stages Comparison.

📖 Brain Bonus: Ikigai 2.0 eBook & Workbook
Yes, even more bonuses! All students also get access to the full Ikigai 2.0 eBook & Workbook which is especially helpful if you think synthesizing may be your purpose and if you want to optionally monetize it.

👋 Meet Your Synthesizer Guide
Hi, I’m Kyle―the human behind Sloww. I’m an ex-marketing executive turned self-education entrepreneur after an existential crisis in 2015. In one sentence: my purpose is synthesizing lifelong learning that catalyzes deeper development. But, I’m not a professor, philosopher, psychologist, sociologist, anthropologist, scientist, mystic, or guru. I’m an interconnector across all those humans and many more—an “independent, inquiring, interdisciplinary integrator” (in other words, it’s just me over here, asking questions, crossing disciplines, and making connections). To keep it simple, you can just call me a “synthesizer.” Sloww is my synthesis on the art of living for students of life.

🧠 Synthesizer students are saying:
“Truly awesome! I hardly, if ever, use the word awesome, but it is entirely appropriate here! I’ve just had a quick click through the content, and I can’t comprehend how you managed to put this all together, so thoroughly, on your own, while still maintaining the Sloww site and engaging with us all! … Kyle, your course (like the Sloww site) is exceptional on every level—the clarity, the structure, the sequencing, the graphics, the video version of each page to address different learning styles, the balance of text, image, white space, the supporting wiki, and there is not one wasted word. It’s not just about synthesis, it’s a brilliant example of synthesis … I used to see ‘synthesis’ just as a type of thinking that I’m not very good at. This course has made me see it as a process … it’s a way of life, a way of engaging with the world, of exploring meaning and purpose. I love the embodiedness of SPARK and YEARN and the metamorphic aspect of HATCH and EVOLVE. And there I was thinking this course was just going to be about NOTE and THINK! … I’m REALLY enjoying your synthesizer course … Thank you so much for being you and sharing all of this.”

Anne I.
Synthesizer Student“I’ve been a fan of Kyle’s work and Sloww for years. I’m always looking for answers and meanings. So, when I found Sloww along the way, it really opened up a whole new range of topics to dive in. What a journey it has been! Thank you Kyle for sharing all your insights for us to learn and investigate! Each Sunday I’m looking forward to receiving the Sloww Sunday newsletter, so I was really excited when I read about the course … I’m curious to learn how to work on my own synthesis … I totally relate with only engaging in the first half of the synthesizing process (Spark, Yearn, Note). Curious to learn what is holding me back until now from taking the next step to Think, Hatch & Evolve and putting these steps in the world.”

Elien T.
Synthesizer Student“I just wanted to reach out and say, man, I’m blown away by what you’ve created with Sloww. It’s no wonder they call you the GOAT! … Speaking of incredible content, that Synthesizer course of yours has really caught my eye. It’s like you read my mind and created a course that covers everything I want to improve on … What you’re doing with Sloww is already making a huge difference in my personal growth journey, and I’m stoked about the possibility of learning even more from you through the Synthesizer course … With such an amazing deal on the table, it’s pretty much a no-brainer for me to jump on board and get started right away!”

Vasilis L.
Synthesizer Student“Congrats on launching the Synthesizer course!!! I know how much of your heart-mind-soul you already put into it, consistently, over time. May it bless many and all. Thank you for sharing your gifts. I’m signing up and plan to slowly move through it over the course of 2024-2025 and join quarterly calls … I can’t wait to see what I learn from the Synthesizer course. I already know it’s going to be next-level! … My neurons are ecstatically dancing with new concepts and connections, moving into more coherence with the rhythm of networked nature … I feel inspired to move forward. I understand the why, what, and how clearly.”

Bronson C.
Synthesizer Student“I think spending time on Sloww is magical. You can tell you care. There’s this passion put into it. It’s like, ‘Why would anyone do this? Why would anyone do these incredibly long, thoughtful posts?’ You’ve basically mapped out how to live an intentional life and put everything on your site. You realize the only reason somebody would do this is because they enjoy it, and that’s so beautiful … You’re probably one of the best in the world at reading, researching, and synthesizing … You are the synthesizer of synthesizers.”

Paul M.
Synthesizer Student“Ever since the first announcement, I was thrilled to start this course. I’ve been waiting so long for this. If there is someone who knows what he is talking about, it is you! Can’t wait to learn from you and all the other people in this course.”

Sybren S.
Synthesizer Student“Even though I stopped working 10 years ago, I still bought this course … And that’s because I haggled you for at least three years about it. I look forward to digging in, Kyle. Congratulations on the launch. I know it will be worth the wait.”

Steve D.
Synthesizer Student“A great introduction on how we can get wiser by understanding the full lifecycle of an idea. I also appreciated the fascinating bonus lesson on perspectives!”

Anouki A.
Synthesizer Student“This is already incredible, and I can tell how much time and work you put into this. Looking forward to it all! … Anything Kyle produces is an auto-buy for me. The way he thinks and writes resonates deeply with me, and I’ve never walked away from any of his content without learning something new. I admire his ability to distill knowledge in a way that is understandable and feels complete. I also have many synergies with the type of knowledge he is after in my own life and find it all so interesting. After being on this learning / growing / evolving journey for the past 15 years, I’ve noticed truly how everything is connected, and I am hoping this course helps me organize my thoughts and what I consume daily in a way that they can be even more useful to me going forward … I’ve realized very clearly that I only engage with half of the synthesizing process (Spark, Yearn, Note) and then move on to the next thing or get sidetracked. I really think seeing ideas through and exploring the second half of the system is going to be so beneficial for me to retain more knowledge and draw more connections between my interests.”

Matt K.
Synthesizer Student“You’ve blown my mind, and it’s day one! … I can’t imagine the work that goes into a course, especially one as deep as this. You are a brave soul to have journeyed this far … The format of the video, visuals, text, and audio are appreciated. The Synthesizer course is clearly going to blow any course I’ve taken out of the water. Your SYNTHE System puts into clear perspective the steps from SPARK to EVOLVE. For me, this visual shows me I am stopping halfway through the system—most of the time not even noting, and moving on to intake more information. I’m thrilled to learn how I can bridge the gap between NOTE and EVOLVE! … I’ve been with Sloww since 2020. I’m not sure where this journey is going to lead, but I am trusting my intuition. I’m very grateful to be in this space with all of you … I wouldn’t have called myself a synthesizer before; I was unaware that was a possibility … I’m seeing how I am in the world in a whole new way.”

Kerry M.
Synthesizer Student“I am taking the Synthesizer course for a number of reasons. After teaching high school for 30 years and university for over 15 years after that, I am committed to learning new things. That is why I am here. I will stop learning when I am dead. Right now, I am 80 years old, having passed Oliver Burkeman’s 4000 weeks mark several years ago. My advice to those younger than I am is DON’T STOP. Don’t stop learning or anything else that you regard as good and valuable. My favorite words are ‘I can still.’ There’s a lot I can still do, and learning is at the top of the list … This course seems like a structured way for me to encounter new ideas linked to other new ideas and learn even more.”

Paul M.
Synthesizer Student“I have never seen, nor felt, myself as a ‘synthesizer’ until the other day when I realized that I operate a juggle between noticing the differences with-in the similarities, and noticing the similarities with-in the differences. In fact, I watch for them! … I am looking forward to this course, Kyle, and thank you for the amount of work that has gone into this—which appears to many of us as nothing short of staggering!”

Mike D.
Synthesizer Student“Kyle may be one of the most well-read humans, and certainly the most relentlessly curious human, that I’ve ever come across … Kyle is the GOAT for curating and writing some of the most thoughtful essays on the internet. He’s opened up access to his incredible mind. I’d definitely check it out if you’re looking to be a more prolific creator and thinker in the coming years!”

Jonny M.
Synthesizer Student“I’m keen to dive into the course. I had a little click through this morning and am already confident that this course will provide value! … I have been following the Sloww newsletter, and I resonate with Kyle’s content choices and style. Keen to learn about his approach to synthesizing information and creating content.”

Levi V.
Synthesizer Student“I have been following the Sloww newsletter for a while, and the whole ‘synthesizer’ concept is very appealing to me. I feel like this is already what I am doing, but not systematically and without regular results and impact.”

Alex H.
Synthesizer Student“Excited to take the course, apply the frameworks in my journey, and also learn together with people around the world.”

Paras D.
Synthesizer Student“Many congratulations on launching the Synthesizer course! … I have always been amazed at how Kyle brings forth his creativity in such a beautiful way on his site and newsletters. I’m grateful to have the opportunity now to be able to learn, synthesize and bring clarity in my thinking … I have read and been amazed by your articles, summaries and attention to design on your website. I always wanted to learn how to do that. Everywhere there is too much information, not much wisdom. We’re focused much more on parts than the whole, making synthesizing all the more important. Earlier, I didn’t have proper resources and a genuine teacher who cares more about people than money. With your help, through synthesizing, I will be able to find and also create signal amidst the noise … Maybe doing something which I genuinely want to do, not have to do, will help me earn independently in the long run and also help people the way you are doing now … Going through Synthesizer showed how every process is interconnected. Everything is connected to everything.”

ViKi A.
Synthesizer Student“Just a quick shout-out to say the course is great! Have just gone through the first module, and I’m feeling not only thrilled (about the concepts, the larger scaffold / framework / philosophy), excited (by the strategies and ideas they have already sparked for me), but also grateful and moved—something I didn’t expect. The lifelong journey of engagement with ideas has been such an foundational part of who I am, and something I’m so grateful for … I can see this course will impact me and ripple out in my psyche in more ways than I expected, and maybe in more ways than Kyle has envisaged (or allowed himself to believe) … Thank you Kyle for the great work! I’m looking forward to diving deeper and sharing the explorations with others.”

Greg O.
Synthesizer Student“I have come across Sloww not so long ago, and I find your perspective, insights, and your approach motivating and inspiring. Your self-discovery and self-actualization journey is particularly appealing to me, as I find myself in a similar state currently. I therefore got interested in the Synthesizer course, and I really would like to explore it. I trust it offers a great value for the money … I feel the course would be very useful to me and might help reshaping my perspective and my approach to self-actualization … I really admire your inclusive approach to your customers. That’s why I am really curious to join and explore your course … The course looks awesome!”

Elin A.
Synthesizer Student“I just ordered your Synthesizer course … I am really enjoying the course so far … I look forward to taking your course and reading other authors on how to integrate all the ideas into a few critical ideas and their connections to other ideas with metaphors, analogies, examples, and explanations to form mental models or to build knowledge networks to be able to apply in real life. I am enjoying the videos, graphics, and the full text for each section of the course. I like your organization of the content, and this will help me develop my own organizing skills and building structure for new knowledge I am learning.”

Cliff M.
Synthesizer Student“Just wanted to reach out and tell you how inspiring and impactful I find your work and contribution to be. I feel very fortunate to have been a part of your community from the earliest stages … I’m hoping your Synthesizer course will be a perfect fit for me on our mission to help with planetary awakening … I’m dreaming that one day I’ll be able to work with you as a coach. I’m SO blown away by the depth of your genius and your ability to find the signal in the noise … You’re doing tremendous work and I’m grateful to have found you and your tribe.”

Janie L.
Synthesizer Student“My perception is that practically all of what we really need to figure out this mess we call the human condition and help the whole world live ‘the good life’ has already been written down, and we’ve just got to figure out how to put it together—and having access to the course and community could be helpful.”

Joshua S.
Synthesizer Student“Congratulations on the Synthesizer course launch! I’m very excited and happy to buy and learn more.”

Kavein T.
Synthesizer Student“Congratulations on launching the course, Kyle! Excited to give this a try on some upcoming projects.”

Aashay M.
Synthesizer Student🧠 Featured Testimonials on my Synthesizing Mind:
“Sloww is BY FAR the best comprehensive resource … Kyle is truly a masterful synthesist and my favorite wisdom synthesizer—but also, more importantly, a really awesome, approachable, modern day, philosopher king and dedicated craftsman. I’m so grateful for the work he does—sharing wisdom, connecting dots, and maybe most importantly to me, bringing together other wisdom lovers. I’ve learned so much from his incredible ability to synthesize complex important ideas into an easily digestible, highly enjoyable masterpiece.”

Janie L.
Premium Member“Sloww strikes me as a meta-source—a source that references a wide variety of other sources. The way Sloww synthesizes and integrates many perspectives is something I like, too. It is time-saving … I’m passionate about autodidacticism, lifelong learning, and articulating ideas. I hope to find even more amazing, useful material in this community. I imagine that every member has a deep intellectual curiosity for understanding reality and the world — I share that sentiment.”

Diego A.
Premium Member“I want to personally thank you for all your time and effort in presenting synthesized lifelong learning for human development … I set aside hours throughout the week to explore your newsletter in detail—it is deep learning at its best … I was thrilled to explore your synthesis on Maria Popova as I deeply love her work … I am now reading at least 40+ books per year corresponding with your reading list often … The education I receive from your work has been transformational to me.”

Catherine R.
Premium Member“You are impressively prolific at crystallizing thoughts of great depth, clarity, and range … Each post is presented beautifully with the right balance of depth and length … I trust in your very discerning mind that is incisive but not judgmental. That quality is rare. I love your spreadsheets which tell me your syntheses are based on a very thorough dive into the detail.”

Anne I.
Premium Member“Kyle Kowalski (Sloww) is a top rising public intellectual—add him to your radar everyone … You are literally one of the best synthesists alive Kyle, and I am continuously blown away by your skill and body of work. Thank you infinitely on behalf of us all.”

Allen S.
Premium Member“Sparks fly when ideas are brought together from across disciplines, fields, etc. Sloww does this across the realms of spirituality, psychology, philosophy and more. For new perspective, I highly recommend you check it out. Warning: rabbit holes ahead…”

Ben D.
Premium Member“Interdisciplinary dot connecter—love it!!! I just happened upon your site, and gotta say that is by far, the best job title I’ve ever heard! Very creative. Also, your site rocks! Looking forward to exploring it further. Thank you for connecting so many dots.”

Kylee D.
Sloww Reader“I now consider Sloww one of my core thinking sites, along with Tim Ferriss, Shane Parrish (Farnam Street), and Maria Popova (The Marginalian/Brain Pickings).”

Richard S.
Premium Member“I’ve been a long-time fan of your work ethic and of your content. I find what you share to the world fascinating, and consider you as one of the best synthesizers out there.”

Sambath M.
Premium Member“You are hereby ordered to hurry up and complete the synthesizer course sooner than you ever intended, despite your Sloww ideology.”

Artemis E.
Premium Member“Wow, you have provided me with a great gift! … Truly, you are doing the world a service, synthesizing what you are learning. In a journey catalyzed by your own dis-integration, you are healing yourself and the world by integrating the wisdom you are uncovering book by book by podcast by webinar. I LOVE that you understand and value yourself as a ‘creative combinator’ … Happy and grateful to have found Kyle’s trove of summaries and infographics for books of depth and inquiry by creative, brave thinkers.”

Claire K.
Premium Member“I am gladdened that you do the work you do to help people deepen their understanding without proselytizing any particular view. Just letting members into your meaning-making processes and explorations. And, offering guidance to important works and clear summaries. I’m always impressed with your facility in handling your enormous website. Marvelous how you distill knowledge and then present it in ways that allows readers to go deep.”

Susanne C.
Premium Member“I’ve been enjoying your writing and wisdom you’ve synthesized more and more! Thanks for putting out great things into the world. I feel like each time I take a look at something you put out I realize how much wisdom is in it. Your ideas have really helped shape my thinking, and I can only imagine how many other people have been positively impacted by you! I can’t begin to tell you how much I’ve learned from you over the years because of your willingness to share.”

Sean D.
Premium Member“I spend quite a bit of time online, and Kyle is just one of those people that has really captivated my attention. I’m just a real big fan of his work and everything that he’s putting into the world. I can see that it’s coming from a place deep within … What he’s doing really is a service for tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands—and I believe, eventually, millions of people … I appreciate the synthesizer in you. It’s a world class talent of yours. You’re helping so many people.”

Steve S.
Premium Member“Sloww is deeply focused on finding the really differentiated thinkers and perennial spiritual wisdom. If there’s too much nonsense out there, why not focus on truths that might be universally applicable? He has written so much great stuff—a world-class synthesizer and consistently wonderful. A palate cleanser … Kyle summarizes ‘big idea’ books really succinctly.”

Tom M.
Premium Member“It was fun to find your work. I completely relate to your being an ‘interdisciplinary dot connector,’ and it looks like you are doing a marvelous job at that. I honor the hours you’ve spent ‘chopping wood and carrying water’ to create such a beautiful tapestry, weaving together strands from so many of the Wise Ones … Keep connecting the dots!”

Cheryl L.
Sloww Reader“What you do is like no author I have seen do before. Sloww synthesizes books and theories for the time poor human who is curious to learn more while living a life of contentment … What a gift you are giving … The ultimate in knowledge per minute!”

Chris D.
Premium Member“I love the way you think and how you communicate those thoughts so clearly … Kyle has spent the better part of the past decade extracting and synthesizing wisdom from the world’s great library of information … He clearly has a beautiful mind.”

Joe D.
Premium Member“World-class wisdom synthesizer … You are consistently one of the best publishers/resource architects around – can’t wait to see what’s next!”

Eric B.
Sloww Reader“The amount of information you process through searching for hidden treasures is a blessing to so many … I really admire your work and am truly inspired going through it and also sharing some of your synthesis crystal clear gems of knowledge with others to help them along their way. The amount of information you produce is beyond imagination, and that you do it own your own makes me consider you have found the next gear in transformation.”

Henry L.
Premium Member“I deeply admire Kyle’s intellectual flexibility and consistent creative output. More and more, I find myself wanting to be an intellectual chameleon, where I immerse myself in a bunch of disparate domains so that I can synthesize and integrate the bits of truth each of them contain … It honestly blows my mind how much quality stuff Kyle’s able to add to his online world so consistently. He’s an unstoppable synthesizing machine … an endless goldmine for your mind.”

Rob H.
Premium Member“I’m so inspired by Sloww and your journey … I quickly discovered how much time and effort it can take to synthesize an entire book. Newfound respect for what you do, but something tells me you’ve got a system for it by now. I totally ‘borrowed’ your layout btw – best format I’ve seen so far … You’re one of the best out there at synthesizing knowledge/wisdom … It’s incredible how much ground you’ve covered these past few years. Sloww is like a giant act of love and service to humanity.”

Jonathan C.
Sloww Reader“Sloww is synthesizing the world’s wisdom. It’s one of the best sites I’ve come across for this. And for this, Kyle, you have accomplished your goal. Your site is AMAZING. IT IS TRULY A GIFT TO THE WORLD! I hope you realize it. I know you set out to SERVE OTHERS and boy have you ever done that more than most people on this planet. You could quit now, and I want you to know, you have helped more to increase the world’s wisdom than a million other people who do nothing. Seriously … I am thankful you go DEEP!!! … Sloww has already isolated the 80/20 of worldly wisdom.”

Adam R.
Sloww Reader“Sloww is a digital knowledge base and community that shares insights into the art of living—it’s Kyle’s open-source commonplace book which I find incredibly fascinating. He’s one of the few people I’ve run across on the internet who is a true independent thinker who is synthesizing dots across many different disciplines in an effort to outline what is the good life.”

Nick D.
Sloww Reader“I love Sloww and have been a Premium member for years. Shout out to Kyle Kowalski (Sloww), Maria Popova (The Marginalian, formerly Brain Pickings), James Clear (Atomic Habits), and other synthesizers who do a wonderful service for learning.”

Lauren P.
Premium Member“You provide a depth of content that is nearly impossible to find elsewhere … Your work is invaluable to me. Without a doubt, you are a truly gifted synthesizer. You really are what not only I, but the rest of the world needs.”

Amber R.
Premium Member“You certainly have a gift and have nurtured this gift for synthesis. I’m sure that by teaching it, you will understand yourself and process even more deeply … I visited Sloww – I read Kyle’s writing – and BAM! I just KNEW this is a special guy and Sloww is a special place. Need I say more?”

Bronson C.
Premium Member“You are the greatest assimilator.”

Guruswamy D.
Sloww ReaderPricing & FAQs

- 🧠 8 Modules totaling 75 Lessons
- 🧠 10+ hrs of Self-Paced Learning
- 🧠 Live Call ‘Synthesizer Summits’
- 🧠 Brain Bonus: Synthesis Mind Wiki
- 🧠 Brain Bonus: 8 Premium Posts
- 🧠 Brain Bonus: Ikigai 2.0 eBook
- 🧠 Community & Mobile App
🙋 FAQs:
Why does the course exist? ↓
No one needs to be convinced that we are drowning in information: specialized information, fragmented information, polarized information, mis-and-disinformation, you name it. Yet, while we’re drowning in too much information, we’re simultaneously starving from too little wisdom. In other words, the information revolution hasn’t yet become the integration revolution—the world wide web hasn’t yet become the world wise web. How do we bring that about?
If we can’t solve our problems with the same mind that created them, then the problems of today require a mind of the future. This mind of the future has been called the “synthesizing mind”—the most important mind of the 21st century. Synthesis is now a 21st-century survival skill. So, where are all the synthesizers?
We now know we need synthesizing minds, but we’re lacking knowledge about it, evaluation of it, and training for it. But, perhaps the biggest challenge of all is that it’s often believed that synthesizers don’t know how they synthesize—that synthesis is an unconsciously implicit or tacit thing that just happens (think of inventors with a eureka or aha moment of invention but can’t tell you how they did it).
The Sloww Synthesizer course presents a new vision—making synthesis consciously explicit in order to cultivate a new generation of synthesizers. It shows you strategically and step-by-step how to catalyze your own synthesizing mind—a holistic mind that is composed of interconnected information, networked knowledge, and webbed wisdom.
There are multitudes of notetaking and writing courses, but where are all the courses about thinking? Finally, we have the course for thinkers. It doesn’t seem like there are many (maybe any?) high-quality, higher-order thinking courses out there—especially about how to know and use the synthesizing mind—so I felt life was calling me to bring this to life. As they say, “If you need something that doesn’t exist, then you must create it.” This is the course I wish existed years ago to help me better understand and utilize my own synthesizing mind. But, it’s not just about our own individual minds—the course connects you with a community so you can “find the other” synthesizing minds and curate a global network of synthesizers.
Who is the course for? ↓
Ultimately, it’s for anyone and everyone interested in becoming the best thinker they know, but some specific groups come to mind:
· Thinkers of any kind: Intellectuals, inquirers, generalists, autodidacts, polymaths, philomaths, philosophers, integrators, synthesizers, sensemakers, researchers, readers, interdisciplinarians, independent scholars, combinatorial creators, lifelong learners, students of life, you name it.
· Those in education (e.g. students, teachers, professors, etc): For students, I’d say high school, college/university, and higher education (for younger students, it would be up to a parent to determine relevance, but I could see some gifted grade school students also taking the course). I would imagine some teachers and professors may also be interested in the course.
· Those in professional settings who are pursuing continued learning & development (e.g. top talent professionals): You likely resonate with the terms already mentioned about “thinkers of any kind” and want to take your mind (and career) to the next level.
· Those running their own digital businesses (e.g. creators, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, edupreneurs, infopreneurs, innerpreneurs, etc): This is anyone who wants to do something similar to what I do with Sloww in terms of online education/e-learning, d-commerce (digital commerce), digital products (e.g. eBooks, memberships, courses)—especially if you want to do it all in a way that’s personal development first with business development as a byproduct (which could also be considered “enlightened entrepreneurship,” “conscious capitalism,” or “intentional business”).
All in all: The last thought I’ll leave you with is that you may already naturally think as a synthesizer without realizing it, articulating it, or intentionally leveraging it. I’ve talked to many people who don’t currently identify themselves as “synthesizers” because they didn’t realize such a thing exists, and they didn’t have the words for it. That describes the exact situation I found myself in when I was trying to get to know and make sense of myself, and that’s why this is the course I wish existed years ago. If you feel the same, I’d love to go on this synthesizing journey together with you. I know by the end of the course you’ll be able to say, “Finally! I now have words to describe how my mind works that I already intuitively knew but couldn’t articulate, and I now have ways to consciously leverage it as a synthesizer.”
How did you determine pricing? (+ students, global, payment plan, etc) ↓
Course Comparison: I audited 50+ popular and best-in-class online courses to determine pricing (look where Synthesizer is on the spreadsheet). Many other courses start in the $thousands without delivering this much value (10+ hrs of multimedia learning content, global community, lifetime access, bonuses, etc). I truly believe this is the lowest priced course delivering the highest value on the market. I always aim to strike a balance with all Sloww products between accessibility (for you) and sustainability (for me).
Payment Plan: Yes, there is an option to pay in 4 quarterly installments, please email me at kyle(at)sloww(dot)co.
Student Discount/Scholarship: Yes, these are available, please email me at kyle(at)sloww(dot)co.
Global Purchasing Power Parity: Yes, this is available for those outside the US, please email me at kyle(at)sloww(dot)co.
Bulk Discount (company, class, club, etc): Yes, please email me at kyle(at)sloww(dot)co, and let me know what you are thinking. We can work out a rate, payment method, and the best way to get everyone signed up successfully.
All in All: I want all students who want to take the course to take the course! Please email me, and let’s see what we can work out. Don’t forget that you also get lifetime access!
What is the time commitment? ↓
The video content for the 75 lessons totals 10 hours, but no individual video is longer than ~30 mins—so it’s designed to be consumed in a microlearning format. There’s additional information provided in text and infographics for each lesson as well. You may also plan for time to rewind and replay lessons, try exercises and tools mentioned, get to know your own mind, put everything learned into practice, contribute in the community, etc. So, it’s ultimately up to you how much you want to put into the course and community. But, the good news is you have lifetime access, so take your time!
What does lifetime access mean? ↓
In the US, the FTC requires clarity around “lifetime.” In this case, lifetime means Sloww’s lifetime (as long as exists). Good news, I’m not planning on going anywhere! If the course software (Circle) ever disappears, I’ll rebuild the course directly on Sloww or another platform for you (I have all content and videos fully backed up).
Is this course different from Sloww Premium? ↓
Yes, this course is separate from Sloww Premium, but Premium members get an extra discount on the course ($50 off). The course includes 8 Premium posts for free, so it’s a good preview of Sloww Premium if you think you may be interested in both Sloww Premium and the Synthesizer course.
Is it safe to check out on the site? ↓
Yes, the checkout occurs on Circle using the Stripe payment gateway.
What is the refund policy? ↓
I recommend you complete at least the first two modules (Welcome & Spark) before making that decision. If you still think it’s not for you, no hard feelings. Please send me an email at kyle(at)sloww(dot)co within 30 days of the initial purchase with your name, email address you used to sign up, and reason for the requested refund. I’m always trying to improve, so I greatly appreciate feedback.
Have another question? ↓
Email me directly at kyle(at)sloww(dot)co.
PS: If you still aren’t convinced I’ll be your ultimate synthesizing guide, here are even more testimonials on every step of the SYNTHE System…
🔍 Researching & 📚 Curating:
“I was delighted to find a website that I really clicked with called Sloww. It’s written by Kyle Kowalski, a former workaholic who accumulated stuff to fill up his ever-growing void, leading him to ask, ‘Is that all there is?’ So, he began an exploration to learn everything he could about how to lead a more fulfilling life – luckily, we get to share the benefits of his research. I highly recommend his site; he writes simply and engagingly (nothing too woo-woo). You’ll find a bounty of blogs, podcast suggestions, fun challenges, book reviews and more. Reading just a few of his posts energized and inspired me to think about trying new strategies to enjoy life more.”

Kari G.
Sloww Reader“I’ve been following you for awhile now, and I really love your articles! They are easy to read, so deeply researched, and very well curated! … The world needs more people like you, with a mindset like yours.”

Long Q.
Premium Member“Man your research and synthesis is phenomenal … keep up the great work!”

Eric S.
Sloww Reader“Very nice curation of thought provoking articles.”

Shafa Y.
Sloww Reader“Your ability to archive, curate and apply meaningful/related quotes is unparalleled … Really been enjoying your work … Your insight-to-word count is immense … Your attitude is really great and comes through crystal clear in your writing. Lucid & crisp.”

Adam J.
Sloww Reader“The breadth, depth, and consistency of the content Kyle produces are a rarity in today’s 3-second world … It’s crazy the amount of research he does on these topics and how deep he dives into them.”

Artem Z.
Premium Member“Admirer of your artful craft in curating wisdom. I’m an ardent follower of your Sunday newsletters. The way you curate personal development content is nothing short of an art form. It’s refreshing to see someone pursue this path not primarily as a revenue model but as a genuine service.”

Harmen S.
Sloww Reader“Been great following your journey and getting the Sunday reminders to think, go inward, and ponder the cool things you curate.”

David T.
Sloww Reader“I’m a big fan of Sloww. Thank you for carefully curating its content and for always feeding us wisdom and great tips, which are amazing source of reflections. I am still working my way through all the amazing content you have in there … I genuinely wanted to express my gratitude for helping me in making sense of what is going on in my mind.”

Anna M.
Sloww Reader“I found your blog, and I’m really enjoying your writing style. I just wanted to let you know that! … These ideas are incredibly valuable and life giving, so thanks for all of your research and desire to spread the word!”

Mary B.
Sloww Reader“I love your honest story and the beautifully-compiled content. You’re an influence and educator, and I appreciate your example and movement.”

Tyler H.
Sloww Reader“Your content is top tier 1% quality out of all the newsletters I read.”

Elvis P.
Sloww Reader📖 Reading & 📝 Summarizing:
“I came across your site a week ago. I always appreciate good book reviews and a systems approach which attempts to synthesize across high quality sources.”

Mark V.
Premiem Member“I’ve been fascinated by the amount of work you have done over the years and created this empire of articles, posts, and book summaries on your website. I read every single day something from your website, and it really adds great value to me and my living experience of life.”

The Rambling Optimist
Sloww Reader“I like what you do. Rather I admire it. Your persistence is remarkable. You work hard to present the very best of what you read. You are generous. You go to great lengths to correctly present. You are very mindful and respectful of your audience.”

Reza R.
Sloww Reader“Your website is amazing, and I really appreciate the detail of book summaries.”

Angie P.
Sloww Reader“I love your blog! I especially love how well you summarize books for a better and simpler life.”

Prakhar V.
Premium Member“Kyle is probably one of the best read people on Twitter.”

Michael A.
Premium Member“Your book summaries are incredible.”

Santo A.
Sloww Reader“Your summaries (and choices of books) are absolutely bang on.”

Yusef S.
Sloww Reader“I stumbled upon your site by chance (if such things happen by chance!) and wanted to thank you especially for the book summaries. They are clear, concise, thoughtful, inspiring and extremely useful. Often after reading them, I’ve gone on to get the book. I really appreciate your time and effort in helping seekers.”

Chitra D.
Sloww Reader“A gold mine of great reading. There are some time-saving book summaries that are awesome!”

Barb R.
Sloww Reader“Just wanted to say thanks for all the work you do. I enjoy reading your write-ups of the books, even if I have read them. It helps me to gain more clarity. Keep up the good work!”

Rocky L.
Premium Member“I have enjoyed your work immensely over the last couple of years … Your summaries, book recommendations list, and weekly email help me so much!”

Chris B.
Premium Member“By accident, I came across Kyle Kowalski’s website, Sloww … Once on the site, I looked around and found it to be an enormous repository of many excellent summaries of many excellent books. This site appears to be of great value to every thinking human with its focus on solutions that are True, Good and Beautiful.”

Timothy W.
Sloww Reader“Sloww is a 21st century version of Cliff’s Notes where Kyle generates the synopses of current books, articles, and podcasts and then makes them available weekly. Seems to be a timely service in today’s life styles and speeds. Exposing various perspectives about life.”

Rick K.
Sloww Reader“Honing in on my reading habit. My current go-to’s for consumption: WSJ, TechCrunch, Hacker News, Product Hunt, Sloww’s book summaries. Also, it should be noted that the first 4 are publications with large teams. Sloww is produced solely by Kyle, and it’s just as high signal as the others … I’ve been downloading your materials to Instapaper—about 2 summaries or articles a night. Such high value. Thank you for your work.”

Josh C.
Sloww Reader“I love your work on Sloww … The book summaries are God-sent, and I appreciate how you express complex concepts with such clarity. Big Thank You.”

Sarah G.
Premium Member“Thank you again for your amazing work. I am so enjoying your summaries, they have encouraged me to read lots of books that I would not have ordinarily read.”

Sue M.
Premium Member“Thanks for your work each and every week in putting together the Sloww Sunday emails (which I have been reading for the past 10 months). I also enjoy your book summaries as it saves me a lot of time and allows me to selectively buy the books I find interesting. I just signed up for a lifetime access membership and look forward to seeing you build upon the foundation you have established.”

Ken L.
Premium Member“Sloww has a lot of good summaries of books and materials on larger, existential questions in life.”

Gentry H.
Sloww Reader“You’re presenting the texts in such a simple manner. It is so helpful.”

Cloe F.
Premium Member🧠 Synthesizing & ✍️ Writing:
“I love your articles and your writing style! … I just wanted to reach out and let you know that I’m a huge fan of your blog, and I’ve found a ton of value in your posts … You have one of the few blogs I actually keep in my RSS feed, and I always look forward to your new posts. Keep up the great work!”

Zach B.
Sloww Reader“I love your site Sloww, it’s so rich in information and nicely written.”

Sophie W.
Sloww Reader“I found Sloww recently, and I love your work. Many of the topics you write about are of interest to me and from time to time I find myself getting lost on your site due to me jumping from one article to another to another!”

Shannon K.
Sloww Reader“So much solid information consolidated in such a useful way … Thank you for your thinking art form and your passion to share ideas.”

Dale P.
Premium Member“Just came across Sloww and love your work — you have a real talent for synthesizing info!”

Joshua N.
Sloww Reader“The fact that you are a team of one makes Sloww even more commendable. Your articles, the infographics, the layout, and the way you present it all is truly world-class by far.”

Hussein J.
Premium Member“I am enjoying your writings. I can honestly say that your work impacted me and my life on so many levels. It made me think and ask myself the right questions. The most powerful one for me is simply ‘why’: why I am working, why I am living, why I need money, and so on.”

Ivan O.
Premium Member“Keep up the great work mate, it’s not often you stumble across writing that changes the way you view and interact with the world and your work ticks those boxes!”

Dean K.
Premium Member“Ultimately, it’s unlike anything I’ve read before. There’s a novelty to the synthesis style of writing … bite-size pieces of content held together by common themes. Very interesting rhythm that’s good for stopping, thinking, and starting up again.”

Jason C.
Premium Member“Your website is so well interconnected due to your insane synthesizer abilities.”

Takamochi S.
Premium Member“Kyle is a great synthesizer. I love the way he expresses concepts and ideas with infographics.”

Gabriela T.
Sloww Reader“Your interdisciplinary approach to synthesizing wisdom is truly impressive. Keep up the great work!”

Abhra D.
Sloww Reader“I decided to explore your website more and immediately resonated with your writings and process. Thank you so much for everything you put into this site. I truly believe it will be life changing.”

Matt K.
Premium Member“I just want you to know that I am deeply inspired by your writing and web design, and I think you have created something purposeful and nourishing to the human soul. Thank you for having the courage to shift gears and pursue this path that will provide comfort and guidance to so many.”

Consecrate Co.
Sloww Reader“I’ve been interested in your work for a while, having been struck by the parallels between your interests and my own over the years. I appreciate your synthesizing gifts, and look forward to seeing new connections in light of them.”

Mike J.
Premium Member“I have always loved Kyle’s ability to concisely combine theories into his ongoing learning.”

David S.
Premium Member“Kyle has a strong synthesizing intellect and sensitivity to the human condition.”

Max K.
Premium Member“One of the few who show deep thoughts in everything you write. Everything you write is condensed down to the essence, both to leave room for readers to think deeply and also to respect the time of those that don’t.”

Khai Y.
Premium Member