I’m excited to announce the launch of a new side project called the Meta-Crisis Meta-Resource (MetaCrisis.org)!
If you aren’t familiar with the concept of the meta-crisis, you may want to start here: A Crisis of Crises: What is the Meta-Crisis? (+ Infographics)
Post Contents: Click a link here to jump to a section below
- What is the Meta-Crisis Meta-Resource?
- Why does this project exist?
- What this project is and is not
- How is the site built?
- How to be added to the site

Introducing the Meta-Crisis Meta-Resource: A Digital Directory of all People & Projects in the Wisdom Web
What is the Meta-Crisis Meta-Resource?
Meta often means “x about x” or “x of x.”
The focus of this project is the meta-crisis—a “crisis of crises” including the meaning crisis, climate crisis, information ecology crisis, exponential technology crisis, etc. Learn more here: A Crisis of Crises: What is the Meta-Crisis? (+ Infographics)
The website itself is a meta-resource—a “resource of resources” including all the people and projects involved in the meta-crisis in some way, shape, or form.
Why does this project exist?
It’s a proactive response to Daniel Schmachtenberger’s Facebook post from late 2021.
I wish there was a directory of meta-crisis solution-related work that I could reference. Would be an awesome project for someone.
— Daniel Schmachtenberger
I saw Daniel’s post a few weeks later and purchased the domain MetaCrisis.org. Why did I think I was right for this project? My professional background includes 10+ years in marketing/advertising (primarily digital marketing), and I quit my career to pursue solopreneurship by synthesizing the world’s wisdom. I’ve been following the emergence and evolution of the meta-crisis for a few years now. So, this project seemed like the perfect combo of personal passion (in the meta-crisis) + synthesis skills (comprehensively curating all people/projects in the meta-crisis) + digital marketing (building a directory/resource).
MetaCrisis.org first launched on Feb 25, 2022.
What this project is and is not
It is a resource/directory focused on curating all people/projects involved in the meta-crisis and linking them together to make new connections.
There are currently 100+ people and projects listed and 250+ meta-crisis hashtags (with more on the way)!
The project is not a live feed of all the latest content from all people/projects.
How is the site built?
The website is built with Obsidian and Obsidian Publish.
Why Obsidian? I thought it would be eye-opening to interconnect everyone involved in some aspect of the meta-crisis, and Obsidian allows for textual and visual showcasing of the “wisdom web.” In essence, this approach allows you to choose your own “webventure.” Start anywhere, and it will connect you everywhere:
When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.
— John Muir
Here are various ways you can navigate the site:
- Use the search bar to search people/projects (only searches titles/headings; not note text yet).
- Use the “People” and “Projects” folder and note navigation in the left menu.
- Use the interactive graph view to explore connections.
- Start with meta-crisis hashtags (currently 250+)! The hashtags themselves come from the language/terminology used by each person/project. Click one to see what people/projects are interested in that focus area and how everyone/everything connects.
- Start with meta-crisis maps & syntheses. I’ve been seeing more and more attempts at synthesizing the “meta-crisis web” (also known as the “liminal web,” “sensemaking web,” “meaning web,” “intellectual dark/deep web,” etc). Whatever you want to call it, this space is emerging and evolving—and getting complex! This page lists the articles I’ve curated that attempt to synthesize this space.
- With internal links, you can hover over them to get a preview or click through to go to that internal page.
- With external links (marked with an arrow), you can hover over them to see the external URL or click through to go to that external page.
For Twitter users, I’ve also created a Meta-Crisis Meta-Resource Twitter list that includes all people/projects from the website who also use Twitter (currently 75+).
How to be added to the site
All content on the site comes from publicly available websites and social media accounts.
To add, edit, or remove pages, please email me at slowwco(at)gmail(dot)com or DM me on Twitter: @SlowwCo or @KyKow.
If you would like to add a new page, please follow the same template of other existing pages as outlined here.
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