This page lists some of the all-time best Gangaji quotes. Enjoy!
Page Contents:
- Self-Inquiry Quotes
- Mind & Objects Quotes
- Stopping & Opening Quotes
- Being & Consciousness Quotes
- Truth & Freedom Quotes

50+ Gangaji Quotes on Stopping, Opening, Being, & More
Gangaji Quotes on Self-Inquiry
“Who are you? This is the most important question you can ever ask … This question is the path of self-inquiry.” — Gangaji
“Find out what is always here … That really is the teaching—to inquire, ‘What is always here?’” — Gangaji
“The question ‘Who are you?’ is a question that ends all questioning.” — Gangaji
“Ask, ‘Who am I?’ The byproduct of that, in general, is you’re living a fulfilled life, so you’re not seeking fulfillment in other people.” — Gangaji
“When I am not doing anything, who am I?” — Gangaji
“Everything that we are burdened by is some kind of attachment to who we are.” — Gangaji
“It often happens that there’s some shock in a person’s life … that for a moment just tears away our concepts of reality and reveals reality.” — Gangaji
“Witnessing is very useful because we detach from our thinking minds … but the witness is still an object. Who is witnessing? … The witness and what is witnessed is the same and inseparable from the awareness that holds them both.” — Gangaji
“I am that which I love, I am that which is loving, and I am beyond that.” — Gangaji
“There’s nothing to gain from this. You will lose everything.” — Gangaji
Gangaji Quotes on Mind & Objects
“The mind moves in three directions: 1) toward something that it wants, 2) away from something that threatens it, or 3) against something to fight or protect.” — Gangaji
“There are actually many moments in every person’s life where there’s no thought—only our whole culture references our lives by thought, so we link up thought, to thought, to thought.” — Gangaji
“Everything you think about or even remember about yourself—even the most beautiful moments—are still objects in your mind.” — Gangaji
“Arrogance of identity is still an object of mind. When we retreat from that, we are nothing … nothing separate from anything else.” — Gangaji
“We very much are conditioned to believe that we are this individual.” — Gangaji
“This ‘I’ that you have believed yourself to be, and that you have thought yourself to be, is not an object in consciousness—it is not ‘somebody.’” — Gangaji
“I am not speaking of you as ‘somebody’ can recognize yourself to be freedom. I am speaking of you as freedom can recognize yourself to be freedom—and this body that you believe yourself to be has made an appearance in freedom.” — Gangaji
“All of life is the truth of who I am. This particular mindstream that I have called ‘myself’ is simply an object appearing in life for a brief time, existing because of life, and finally returning to life.” — Gangaji
“The truth of who you are really cannot be remembered because it’s here. It’s not an object in your mind. It’s the subject.” — Gangaji
“The experience of the truth of who one is is the recognition of the ocean as never separate from the stream—that, in fact, the ocean of life informs and animates each life stream.” — Gangaji
“No matter how much you try, no matter how much you figure, no matter how much you get what is being said or has been said, whatever you try to do—which is mind activity—you cannot find what is called Self, or God, or Truth.” — Gangaji
“This is deeper than knowledge. It’s nothing that you can know.” — Gangaji
Gangaji Quotes on Stopping & Opening
“If you’re trying to direct life, stop … Be still, and recognize what do I want. If in this moment you recognize what you truly want and stop searching for that anywhere outside yourself, you open to what’s here. And, then you see how life lives you.” — Gangaji
“Stop means to open—don’t reach for anything, don’t reject anything.” — Gangaji
“When there’s no movement, and yet there’s still consciousness, the mind is open … In that openness, then you can recognize what you’re actually experiencing.” — Gangaji
“I invite people to open to whatever they’re experiencing.” — Gangaji
“Surrender is an opening.” — Gangaji
“Point your attention back to the beginning.” — Gangaji
“We are here to uncover what is always true, what is always present.” — Gangaji
“Less present to who you think you are. More present to who you are.” — Gangaji
“You leave the peace to go in search of peace.” — Gangaji
“Who you are is always here—clearly here, peacefully here—in stillness here.” — Gangaji
“What is realized in a moment of perfect realization is what has always been present. This is the great laugh that is a part of realization—that which one has been desperately, furiously, relentlessly, with great frustration, searching for has always been present exactly where one is.” — Gangaji
“When you know without a shadow of a doubt that you are this stillness, that you are this awareness, then it doesn’t matter what is on the surface.” — Gangaji
Gangaji Quotes on Being & Consciousness
“You cannot remember freshness. That’s already staleness. And, that is the big rug that has to be pulled out from under the spiritual seeker … The true spiritual search is really not about accumulation … but one of getting down to the the absolute core of beingness.” — Gangaji
“You don’t have to be different from an ordinary human being—with ordinary human trials and tribulations, victories and defeats—to recognize that always whatever is going on circumstantially, emotionally, or mentally, there is this ground of silent beingness.” — Gangaji
“Throughout all of these different lifestyles, there is the continuing presence of beingness waiting to be recognized.” — Gangaji
“What matters is being conscious of consciousness.” — Gangaji
“We lose touch and sight of this absolute wonder of what it is to be.” — Gangaji
“It is so important to discover what changes, and in that to discover what is changeless. But, finally, we have to discover they are the same substance—that its consciousness.” — Gangaji
“It does live your life, but when you recognize that you can actually let it live your life, then your life is a conscious surprise.” — Gangaji
“I now know myself as life. There’s such a profound relaxation in that and also the joy of that.” — Gangaji
“I am life, and I am also this particular life. It’s not separate.” — Gangaji
“Life is the guru.” — Gangaji
Gangaji Quotes on Truth & Freedom
“I really don’t have anything to teach people. Everybody has learned enough … I just meet you as you are, and we see where that goes … If I were going to call what I’m offering people anything, I would say it’s a ‘nondual teaching’. There’s a recognition of the appearance of duality—me and you, happiness and sadness—but if we follow that back to its core, it’s the same Self.” — Gangaji
“There are multiple stories happening, and they come and go, but what I’m aware of is the awareness that’s holding them. So, I don’t have a problem with stories. I’m often speaking to people because their stories are the problem, and so I’m inviting people to dis-identify with the story … If you are willing to dis-identify for a minute, an hour, an afternoon, then there’s a recognition I exist without my story—and that’s free.” — Gangaji
“Look very deeply, and discover what it is you want … We’re the same Self, and we want the same thing—and that’s to be free.” — Gangaji
“Who I am, in truth, is your own Self.” — Gangaji
“This is the mystery of the Self—transcending and yet using everything, including technology, for its revelation.” — Gangaji
“The truth of who I am is not dependent on this form … There is this wonder and beauty that’s here regardless of how you act, regardless of what you do in your life.” — Gangaji
“You really can’t be named. The truth of yourself is nameless.” — Gangaji
“The desire for freedom, for truth, for God, will not be satisfied by anything in the future.” — Gangaji
“If you desire freedom above everything else, then that takes care of all the rest.” — Gangaji
“Freedom is not something that can be learned, or earned, or lost. It is the truth of who you are.” — Gangaji
“You are what cannot be gained and cannot be lost. You are freedom itself.” — Gangaji
“To discover the ground of being, the truth of yourself, is to be free.” — Gangaji
“Who you are is, and always has been, and always will be free.” — Gangaji
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