This page lists some of the all-time best Pravrajika Divyanandaprana quotes. Enjoy!
Page Contents:
- Body & Mind Quotes
- Joy & Happiness Quotes
- Subject & Object Quotes
- ‘I’ & Inquiry Quotes
- Awareness & Consciousness Quotes

50+ Pravrajika Divyanandaprana Quotes on Inquiry, Awareness, Happiness, & More
Pravrajika Divyanandaprana Quotes on Body & Mind
“You are aware of the body. Is the body ever aware of you? No. You will become aware of your thoughts also. Do your thoughts ever become aware of you? No. Why? They are not self-aware.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Do you find your body in your awareness, or awareness in your body? … Do you find awareness in your body, or your body in your awareness?” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“You are aware of the body-mind complex; body-mind is not aware of you … You, the Self, are functioning through the body-mind complex.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“You are not merely this body-mind complex. Don’t do this injustice to yourself that you will only identify with this and allow the whole world to identify you with this. You are the Atman functioning through the body-mind complex. You are divinity itself embodied in this form. This is your real nature; assert that divinity.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“You are consciousness functioning through a body-mind complex … Consciousness is quite apart from body-mind—it enables the body and mind to function, and it is the core reality about the human being … Consciousness is fundamental to mind function—because it is there, mind is functioning.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Conscious experience continues. Body changes, mind changes—but you continue always … As the earth and moon are lit by borrowed light, the body and mind become ‘conscious’ due to the presence of the Atman.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Thought pollution is so high, you don’t see consciousness.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“If you think you are only the body, you will only want a material civilization … If you think you are the mind, you will have an intellectual civilization … If you think you are the Self, you will have a value-based society because consciousness is the only factor which is common in all of us. Bodies are different, minds are different … You have found the common factor in all creation—this naturally makes for a very inclusive outlook and a sense of oneness with all existence … When this experience comes, you don’t have to tell the person he has to be good or ethical or do things for others—the other person is ‘me’ in another form. That is why naturally it will be a philosophy of acceptance, inclusiveness, and oneness. That is why this knowledge is so very important to the evolution of humankind.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
Pravrajika Divyanandaprana Quotes on Joy & Happiness
“Happiness is directly proportional to your awareness. The deeper your awareness, the happier you will be by yourself. The more cluttered your mind—which means the lesser your awareness—the more you require objects to keep you happy and engaged.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“One of the most practical, down-to-earth paths to joy lies in having a grateful, accepting mindset … One of the essential, everyday paths to joy lies in appreciation with gratitude.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“The second everyday path to joy is finding your flow … a complete intellectual engagement into something, complete absorption of mind to such an extent that you lose sense of time. This is very important for the feeling of inner contentment and happiness.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“The third point is finding deep meaningfulness in life contributes a lot to your inner happiness.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Happiness is equal to pleasure plus engagement plus meaning … If we are doing something which is sufficiently meaningful, you don’t require anything else to keep you happy. It is clearly seen that if you have enough meaning to your life, you can actually dispense with even pleasure and engagement.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“What you repeat, you will become that. What you repeatedly feel in your mind, you will start experiencing that. What you repeatedly imagine, you will actually create that.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“The highest rung on the ladder of happiness lies in what we call meditation or that transcendental state where you are totally captured/absorbed/immersed in a very high level of awareness—in a transcendental level of consciousness where the mind does not flip from object to object … It leaves you completely satisfied, in bliss, in rapture and ecstasy.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“When the mind touches the source, it becomes imbued with a very high level of awareness or consciousness … Spiritual knowledge, or the knowledge of the Self, is considered to be the source of happiness.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana

Pravrajika Divyanandaprana Quotes on Subject & Object
“How can you know something about an object without knowing the subject? How can you not be interested in this? This is the truth about you … To be able to combine objective knowledge and subjective knowledge is real genius.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“How does something feel to me? That is the most important data you can garner about the subject—about the Subject also.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“If you essentially understand you, the subject, are experiencing everything objectively, you get a hold over the objective. Otherwise, the object will carry you away … When you know you are distanced naturally from your thought process, from your emotion, you can handle them better … If you live in a world where you do not know yourself, you will give in to things external readily. But, if you have a hold on yourself, then in any place you can handle yourself well.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Mind activity, mind itself, is external to your experience—it is objective to your experience … It’s your essential nature to be distanced from merely mind activity.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Thought is always objective to your being—that is why you can acknowledge the presence of thought and also the absence of thought. You, as awareness, continue always—thought comes into that awareness, moves out, next thought comes in, moves out.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“You are in time, space, and causation because you are identified with the body. If you think you are the mind, time and space and causation are in you because they are in the mind. If you think you are awareness, everything is in you—subject and object is one seamless reality.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“You, awareness, are the subject—the rest is an object to you … I find my thoughts in my awareness. I find objects in my awareness. Awareness is fundamental to everything else.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“You, the awareness, are experiencing the body. You, the awareness, are experiencing the mind … You, the awareness, are perceiving them as objects, so obviously you’re not the body and mind … You are the supreme subject.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Consciousness: you can only be it, you cannot know it as an object … It is knowledge by being … Consciousness is neither an object nor physical.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Self-knowledge cannot be explained objectively … What are you asking for in Self-knowledge? You are asking for the knower; you are not asking for the known.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“The Self is behind the mind. It is not an object for your senses to see.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
Pravrajika Divyanandaprana Quotes on ‘I’ & Inquiry
“For most people, 50% of life goes in building identities and 50% goes in defending them, but nobody tries to explore what is identity about—who is it who’s building identity? … This is the big problem: what is closest to us, what is most obvious, we don’t realize it … This is the open secret about the human life and existence … The moment you are able to put distance between yourself and your thought process, your vitality blooms forth … When you are vitally alive, you are intensely aware.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“What is the point in managing everything in the outer world without managing yourself first? If you know everything about everything, and you don’t know how to manage yourself—you have no idea how to manage your thought, your emotion, your will, who you are actually—then there’s no point in trying to manage things outside.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“There is no belief system here. There is no believing in something … You don’t require a philosophy to tell you this … It’s no theory or hypothesis—it is the most fundamental fact of our experience and existence … It is there in the very structure of your experience … All you have to do is conduct a first-person research inquiry to come into the science of consciousness. It’s the most practical science.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Phenomenological inquiry means from the standpoint of the subject— how does the thing feel? … Experience is always in the first person. You must learn to do phenomenological inquiry in the first person … Phenomenology is such a wonderful method to study subjective experiences because it is a first-person research method … Phenomenology is essentially an open-ended qualitative method, but inductive, and leaning heavily on the experience of the researcher.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Existential inquiry is questioning the basic fact of our own existence … Beyond the body, beyond the mind, is there an existence which I am, which I can penetrate into, which I can know? … Who am I? Why am I here? What is the purpose of human life?” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Who are you? Who is this human being despite all this change? Is there something permanent about you, something continuous about you, running through all the experiences of life? This is the fundamental inquiry … What feels like the most fundamental thing in your experience? Is it your thought, is it your emotion, is it your will, or is it your awareness? What feels most fundamental?” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“You are trying to discover the unchanging you—that aspect of you which is permanent, which is like a background substratum to all your mental activity … There is something of permanent value right within you which is not given to change. That is why you can see and understand change—because there is something changeless in the background.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“What is the unchanging element in me? …. It is only the I-sense, awareness, that is the permanent factor here. The rest is all changing … There is one common denominator to all your life’s experiences—that’s your I-sense … Our I-sense can wear whatever it wants, be whatever it wants, but yet you are the same ‘I’. That I-sense continues; body and minds change.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Our sense of ‘I’ functions quite apart of body and mind … Whenever we refer to myself, ‘I’, the actual source of that I is consciousness itself.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“What is that uniting factor which makes me feel, ‘I see, I think, I feel, I speak?’ … Consciousness is that. It is what enables your entire system—the sense organs, the mind, everything—to function … Your eyes cannot see that, but it enables your eyes to see.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“The light of pure consciousness is reflected in the mind which is considered subtle matter. The mind becomes aware and generates our sense of Being. The Buddhi designates this empirical awareness as ‘I’. One can track this ‘I’ back to its source (pure consciousness).” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Just to know who I am is very important for its own sake because it liberates your mind.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana

Pravrajika Divyanandaprana Quotes on Awareness & Consciousness
“How Vedanta understands the human personality is ‘persona’ means mask—it’s a mask through which you are functioning … The core truth about the human personality is consciousness—everything arises and depends on that to become what it is, to function as it does … Vedanta is the science of consciousness, and yoga is the technology of consciousness. The technology leads to the science … If you bring your mind to a certain level of stillness and stability, you can just know these facts—they will just enter your mind because they are already there.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“You can tell me about your thoughts which means you saw them as a witness. You can do metacognition—thinking about thinking … The witness consciousness stabilizes itself in its real nature. That is the end of this process of yoga. You are able to find out who you really are—that is the purpose.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“This is what meditation and spiritual practices aim at: catching the essential you—the unchanging you—identifying it and isolating it to a certain extent. You will see you are not isolating anything, you are just being your real Self, and the rest is actually objective to your experience … What is the proof of the knowledge? It’s right within you. Your awareness is the proof of the greatest thing that the scriptures can tell.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“You require awareness to validate the existence of anything else. Only if you are aware, then you can perceive something … Awareness is required to testify to the presence of anything else. So, what will be required to testify to the presence of awareness? This is a logical impossibility. Because you are aware, you perceive. That is why absolute existence belongs to awareness alone.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“It’s our own experience that anything you will think, perceive, cognize will always be in your awareness. Awareness is the primary thing about you … We don’t do anything outside our awareness. It is always in your awareness that you perceive, you think, you know. So, consciousness must be fundamental … The fundamental nature of our existence has to do something much more than mere thought—it’s something far deeper.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“You are that supreme light which makes anything perceptible … Only when you are aware, you perceive—perception, mentation, cognition, everything is possible because of awareness.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Everything is perceived only in awareness, so then in a strange way I am united with everything. In consciousness, there are no divisions. All the divisions, and separateness, and exclusivity, the special ‘me’—all this comes only with identification with body and mind. In our real nature, it is something very different.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“If I know my own nature as the Self, as pure consciousness, I will see you as me in another form … The other person is nothing but you in other form. Awareness is the only common factor in all of us … Herein lies our unity, the unity of all existence.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Self-awareness is always there—this is knowledge by presence.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Diving into consciousness is not running away from life; it is penetrating into the very heart of life. Every department of life can be improved if you bring Self-knowledge into it … Mind management becomes perfectly possible when you have Self-knowledge … Your thought—memory, imagination, feeling, emotion, everything—can be handled very well and very positively when you step out of the mind with Self-knowledge.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Consciousness is the truth of life and its manifestation.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Consciousness is that which you cannot see, but due to which sight occurs.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“Consciousness is before the mind. When mind begins, time begins. Consciousness transcends the mind—it transcends the element of time.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“You are that consciousness because of whose existence everything else appears to exist.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
“There is only one consciousness reflected in different minds—so there appear to be different individuals, but consciousness is not plural.” — Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
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