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Sloww Sunday Newsletter 019 (June 7, 2020) — Storytelling, Deep Self-Development, & 75-Day Silent Retreats
Hi friends,
Sloww Sunday is a weekly newsletter synthesizing the world’s wisdom to awaken the art of living.
In a modern world focused on the trendy, here’s your dose of the timeless.
1. Sloww Stuff
The Synthesizer Starter Kit Series:
It’s taken me awhile to articulate what I do—”writer” has never felt quite right. I resonate more with how Maria Popova of Brain Pickings describes herself: “A reader who writes.” If you think you may be interested in the creative act of synthesis, these three posts will put you on the right path.
1. “So, what do you do?” An Introduction to Synthesis, Integration, Interdisciplinarity, & More (New)
2. Synthesizers: Why the Future Belongs to the Idea Connectors (Updated)
3. Combinatorial Creativity: The Art of “New” Ideas & Why Everything is a Remix (Updated)
Top 3 Premium Posts to Date:
1. How to Find Meaning in Life with “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl (+ 2 Infographics) 🔒
2. How to Pick a Path & Make Progress by Combining “Essentialism” & “Atomic Habits” (+ Infographic) 🔒
3. Stream of Consciousness: Do You Live Life, or Does Life Live You? 🔒
2. Video I’m Watching
📺 Who Are We Without Storytelling? (YouTube | 27 mins)
It’s finally here. The conclusion of the new 3-part series on the relationship between stories and our identities. Lots to ponder from this series. If you missed the first two, you can check them out here:
Part 1 — The Fundamental Difference Between Stories and Reality
Part 2 — Your Life Is Not A Hero’s Journey
“As much as the hero’s journey has come to be seen as an individualistic concept—a way to give shape and transform our own lives—I think that in the end what it really does (or should do) is connect us to each other, to make us compassionate and patient, and supportive to our fellow human beings following the same journey.” — Tom van der Linden (Like Stories of Old)
3. Podcast I’m Listening To
🎧 Daniel Schmachtenberger | Reality, Meaning & Self-Development (90 mins | Modern Wisdom Podcast | YouTube | Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher)
This podcast is deeeep. Daniel is the Co-Founder of Neurohacker Collective and a leading public intellectual. His central focus is on the future of humanity—facilitating comprehensive civilization (re)design and the emergence of a mature civilization. Needless to say, he’s on another level. Be prepared to open and expand your mind.
“Wisdom is not algorithmic and cannot be made algorithmic. You can’t have an if-this-then-that algorithm that actually equals wisdom.” — Daniel Schmachtenberger
PS: If you’re looking for something a little lighter but still incredibly applicable, check out this other recent Modern Wisdom podcast with George Mack about mental models. I posted a tweet thread with all the highlights.
4. Article I’m Reading
📖 ‘Did I Miss Anything?’: A Man Emerges From a 75-Day Silent Retreat (New York Times | 5 mins)
A quick read about Daniel Thorson’s silent retreat during the pandemic. I also recommend checking out Daniel’s podcast—Emerge: Making Sense of What’s Next—that looks into the next phase of what it means to be human.
“While I was on retreat, there was a collective traumatic emotional experience that I was not a part of … To what degree do I have to piece it back together?” — Daniel Thorson
5. Quote I’m Contemplating

Quote: “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” — Søren Kierkegaard
Question: Are you reflecting on the past to guide the present?
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Feedback: It’s always appreciated! Please reply to this email or reach out socially.
Also, please let me know if you come across anything interesting that’s on the same wavelength as Sloww. I may be able to include it in an upcoming newsletter.
Have a present week!
Go with the Sloww,
Kyle Kowalski
Founder, Sloww
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