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Sloww Sunday Newsletter 033 (Sept 27, 2020) — Multiple Intelligences, One Conscious Breath, Scale in the Universe, & More
Hi friends!
Sloww exists to awaken the art of living in all of us.
Each week, I synthesize a little more of the world’s wisdom and share it in Sloww Sunday—a dose of deep thinking and deep breathing.
Here’s to the journey of learning how to live fully alive.
1. Sloww Stuff
🔒 Naval Ravikant Synthesis: How to Build Wealth by Being Yourself (+ Infographics)
As far as I can tell, this new premium post is the most comprehensive (and actionable) step-by-step synthesis of Naval’s wisdom available anywhere. While most highlights begin with wealth and end with happiness, this flips the script and presents Naval like you’ve never seen him before. It starts with the meaning of life and flows naturally into making money as a byproduct of who you uniquely are.
2. Video I’m Watching
📺 11 Abilities To Find Your Passion
(9 mins | Improvement Pill on YouTube)
Although the video uses the word “abilities,” this is actually a quick intro to Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences (more on Wikipedia). The intelligences include: Musical, Visual-Spatial, Verbal-Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalistic, Teaching-Pedagogical, Existential-Spiritual, and Digital. Which one(s) best describe you?
“People can be smart in different ways—this should influence how we think of ourselves and how we interact with others.” — Howard Gardner
3. Speech I’m Enjoying
🎧 One Conscious Breath
(3 mins | Eckhart Tolle on YouTube)
Meditation can be as simple as one conscious in-and-out breath. When you bring awareness to your breathing, space opens up in your life.
“Be comfortable with just being and breathe.” — Eckhart Tolle
4. Article I’m Reading
📖 The Big and the Small
(5 mins | Wait But Why)
We’re small. Very small. But, we’re also big. Depends on your perspective. Either way, trying to wrap your brain around our size compared to objects in the observable universe really sets the mood for the day. Tim Urban (Wait But Why) teamed up with Kurzgesagt for a new video and app (Apple | Google).
“Adjectives will never get us very far with the big and the small, but steps like these might. Getting from the observable universe to the proton and back is best thought of as a connect the dots of mind-blowing size comparisons.” — Tim Urban
5. Quote I’m Contemplating
Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.
— Zen Kōan (meaning here)
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Have an enlightened week!
Kyle Kowalski
Founder, Sloww
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