What You Can Expect
Signing up for Sloww emails is the best way to stay in the loop. Here’s what you can expect:
1. Welcome Series — A short email welcome series introducing you to Sloww.
2. The Hierarchy of Happiness eBook — The free 50-page eBook is delivered immediately in your welcome email. It covers 100+ powerful perspectives on how to be happy (physically, mentally, and spiritually). Read more about the eBook.
3. Sloww Sunday Newsletter — Sent weekly on (you guessed it) Sundays. I come across all sorts of intriguing content in any given week, and this email is where I share the best of what I find. If you’re a Premium member, you can browse the full archive of all newsletter issues.
That’s it! Pretty simple, right?
Note: If for some reason you don’t see a sign-up form on this page or are unable to confirm your subscription, please send me an email at kyle(at)sloww(dot)co. I’ll add you personally.
10,000+ Sloww Sunday readers say:
“Thank you for the excellent and insightful newsletters and source of perennial learning. I’ve been a subscriber (and Premium Member) for about 6 months … As an avid practitioner of Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism and Deep Work philosophies, I’m judicious about what I allow in my inbox. Yours is one of just a handful of newsletters I value deeply and read in full every time it lands in my inbox.”

Lauren P.
Sloww Subscriber“Thank you for your intriguing pieces of information and worthy knowledge bites. I have been going through many difficult times and have found ONLY your website, blog, and newsletters as a sustainable reading ritual.”

Shaza K.
Sloww Subscriber“The gem who runs Sloww is an absolute machine. One of the few newsletters I look forward to but also feel guilty of not spending more time with … So much gold I have no idea how he churns out so much every week.”

Joe B.
Sloww Subscriber“What you share is always so interesting to me that it makes me smile when you say that every newsletter can be read in 5 minutes. I always end up digging into what you share, and I take a complete tour to check everything out!”

Tom C.
Sloww Subscriber“I just want to show you a little gratitude for your content and newsletter. It’s helped me to organize and add conviction to a lot of my thoughts and ideas … the bites of wisdom you share always get me.”

Chong S.
Sloww Subscriber“Been great following your journey and getting the Sunday reminders to think, go inward, and ponder the cool things you curate.”

David T.
Sloww Subscriber“I just need a big picture 10-minutes in the midst of everyone fighting about everything lately. You give me that.”

Antoniya Z.
Sloww Subscriber“I want to say thanks for your newsletter, content in general, and the great contribution you give to people’s journeys.”

Pablo C.
Sloww Subscriber“You are an inspiration. Such interesting reads! … So thought-provoking and spot on.”

Kay W.
Sloww Subscriber“Incredible publication, I thoroughly recommend checking it out if you haven’t.”

Eric B.
Sloww Subscriber“You are such an inspiration. Love your weekly newsletter.”

Stefan F.
Sloww Subscriber“YOU ARE KILLING IT! Love this new format, Kyle. It helps me focus on where I am today, what’s coming around the bend, what is on the horizon and what’s beyond it! I’m forever thankful I discovered your work, or rather, your work discovered me… but really, who is to tell in this magical mystery we live in.”

Pablo E.
Sloww Subscriber“Thanks for all your work. You’re one of very, very few emails that I make a point of reading every week, and over the last couple of years I’ve found my journey starting to align with your realm more and more.”

Matt S.
Sloww Subscriber“Sloww Sunday is one of few emails that I subscribe to that I actually look forward to and enjoy—the format, content, updates, everything.”

Amber R.
Sloww Subscriber“Really appreciate your newsletter. It always leaves me a thought I can hang my hat on for the week … Thanks for the work you’re doing!”

Maria P.
Sloww Subscriber“I literally look forward to every Sunday to get your newsletter, and it does have very transformative content.”

Karthik K.
Sloww Subscriber“You’ll love seeing Kyle’s newsletter in your inbox every Sunday. It features 5 morsels of unconventional wisdom in every email.”

Sloww Subscriber“THANK YOU. That’s it. Just wanted you to know that this random brain out in the universe appreciates what you share and finds it useful.”

Lee C.
Sloww Subscriber“Every time I get your newsletter, I find one or two interesting things to keep and read later. You are changing lives—one person at a time.”

Nuruddin A.
Sloww Subscriber“Been following your Twitter for a while, but just found your blog and newsletter and there are so many amazing insights you’ve shared.”

Ethan N.
Sloww Subscriber“Great job with the Sloww newsletters. I open it every time.”

Prakhar V.
Sloww Subscriber“Thanks for the weekly emails, I love the information you share.”

Rocky L.
Sloww Subscriber“You’re doing phenomenal with Sloww. I don’t miss any of your newsletters.”

Giovanni V.
Sloww Subscriber“I LOVE YOUR EMAILS!”

Morgan M.
Sloww Subscriber“I have really been enjoying the Sunday Sloww email. I am not on any other social media platforms. I had/have been in the past (Facebook and Twitter), but I found them often problematic and antisocial, hence I just retired those. I have been counting on Sloww posts and the Sunday email and find it very fascinating!”

Mike D.
Sloww Subscriber“I really enjoy reading your newsletter. It’s always very insightful and full of great ideas worth thinking about. So, thank you for the beautiful work you’re doing, and thanks for sharing!”

Ewa B.
Sloww Subscriber“Thank you for your awesome curating work. There is not one of your communications that doesn’t include at least two very interesting items … Keep up the excellent work.”

Roberto G.
Sloww Subscriber“The content you put out is truly special. I only found you/your newsletter recently, and I’m so glad I did. Keep up the great work, and I’m pumped to be along for the ride!”

Trevor B.
Sloww Subscriber“Sundays are great as I get your email on that day. Love it big time … Keep up the freaking fantabulous work you share with us.”

Hussein J.
Sloww Subscriber“Thank you so much for sharing your talents through your Sloww site. You make me wish everyday were Sunday.”

Rita R.
Sloww Subscriber“Great work you are doing! Enjoy and learn a lot from Sloww! Keep it up … will share with my friends and family.”

Lee M. C.
Sloww Subscriber“A delicious and nutritious weekly serving of food for mind and spirit.”

Bronson C.
Sloww Subscriber“Thank you so much for starting this newsletter, it has been immensely helpful to me.”

Emily P.
Sloww Subscriber“You must be brilliant to lay out all of this every week. Thank you sir!”

Chris H.
Sloww Subscriber“Your content is top tier 1% quality out of all the newsletters I read.”

Elvis P.
Sloww Subscriber“Awesome newsletter.”