"Why study 15 years of our lives, work 80,000 hours, and then reproduce so the next generation can do it all over again if we don’t even know why we’re doing it? There’s got to be a greater purpose, right?" — Maria Stenvinkel, FinerMinds (17)
I Googled "life purpose" and read through all the links on ten pages of search results.
To make it even more fun, I also searched similar phrases like "how to life purpose" and "find life purpose" which added a few more.
How many links did I click and read exactly?
(Yes, I even read the paid search results—when you see "Ad" next to a Google link)
This may sound like a lot, but it's just a drop in the ocean of the total perspectives on life purpose. After all, Google currently shows over 3 billion search results for "life purpose" today.
Why did I do it?
- I've been studying life purpose for the last four years since my existential crisis and was curious what kind of content Google serves up these days to people who may be starting their own life purpose journey.
- I figured I'd uncover at least a few new perspectives, quotes, or methods about life purpose that I haven't seen before.
- But most importantly: Knowing there's a lot of regurgitated content out there about life purpose, I wanted to create a go-to cheat sheet of life purpose highlights for anyone getting started. You get all the benefit without any of the fluff (and in a fraction of the time).
Premium Post Contents:
- Life Purpose in a Nutshell (My Quick Thoughts)
- 5 Best Life Purpose Articles
- 5 Life Purpose Meanings & Descriptions
- 3 Life Purpose Research Studies
- 45 Life Purpose Perspectives
- 15 Best Life Purpose Quotes
- 10 Unique Questions to Discover Life Purpose
- 15 Ways to Find & Create Life Purpose
- 5 Top Life Purpose Books

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