At first glance, you may be surprised to see the names Eckhart Tolle and Rick Warren in the same sentence. Your surprise may turn to sheer shock when I propose to you that 80-90% of their messages are the same. How could that be? After all, isn't Eckhart Tolle a New Age spiritual teacher? And, isn't Rick Warren the pastor of an evangelical Christian megachurch? Surely that must mean they are on completely different ends of the spiritual/religious spectrum. However, after reading A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle and The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? by Rick Warren back-to-back (and taking 10,000+ words of notes from each book), I noticed way more similarities than I did differences. After some quick searching, I was unable to find any content that compared these two life purpose powerhouses. Both authors have sold millions of books—if you search Amazon for "life purpose," you'll see that these two books each have thousands of ratings and reviews. The only other book up there with them is Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. Please keep in mind, the insights and synthesis provided in this post are from my own personal interpretation of the books and messages. Your takeaways may be different than mine. If they are, I'd very much enjoy a constructive conversation in the comments! Premium Post Contents: Background:
- About Eckhart Tolle
- About Rick Warren
- The Purpose of the Books
- Eckhart Tolle Definitions & Synonyms
- Spirituality vs Religion
- God is Love vs God is the One Life
- Starting with Yourself vs Starting with God
- Source = God
- Higher Order/Master Plan
- Universal Intelligence
- Universal Purpose
- Eternity
- Interconnectedness
- Impermanence
- Heaven
- Ultimate Truth
- Ultimate Purpose
- Without Purpose
- Inner/Shared Purpose & Outer/Specific Purpose
- Being vs Doing
- Awakened Doing
- Christ Within
- Relationship with Consciousness/God
- Spiritual Truths
- Spiritual Growth
- History of Humanity
- Default Humanity
- Compassion
- The Good News
- Transformation/Transcendence
- Key to Change
- Aliveness
- The Present Moment
- Presence
- Seeing
- Lightness vs Darkness
- The Thinking Mind
- Content of the Mind
- Dark Side of the Mind
- Sin
- Ego
- Comparison
- The Self
- Real Identity
- Essential Self
- Poor in Spirit
- Love
- Happiness
- Enthusiasm
- Unity
- Success
- Consumer Culture
- Materialism
- Busyness
- Circumstances
- Pain
- Suffering
- Surrender
- Death
- This Generation
- Your Responsibility
- A Final Watchout
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