It doesn't get much deeper or more comprehensive than Leo Tolstoy's "A Calendar of Wisdom."
The book is meant to be read one day at a time for the 365 days of the calendar year. Each day is loosely organized around a theme (although the theme is not explicitly stated).
I had 17,000 words saved after reading the book. I then cut that in half when I organized my favorite 250 quotes into roughly 25 themes (the free book summary). Going even deeper, I then distilled that summary into this concise 5,000 word Premium post.
These notes are ones that I'll be revisiting again and again.
Premium Summary Contents:
- Accept that there are things we don’t know
- Meaning of Life / Purpose / Know Thyself / Serving / Humanity
- Art of Living / Wisdom / Knowledge / Science
- Unification / Law / Surrender / Free Will
- The Spiritual Shift / Improvement / Growth / Perfection
- Soul / Conscience / Heart / Intellect / Thinking / Speaking / Action / Effort
- Faith / Love / Peace / Truth / Freedom / Goodness / Joy / Kindness
- Presence / Death / Eternity
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