I originally read and summarized Atomic Habits by James Clear in 2019.
Since then, I've found myself revisiting my notes countless times—whether it's just looking for a quote or giving myself a refresher on the habit building process.
Why has Atomic Habits become such a bestselling success the last few years (much more than previously published habit books)? James Clear says he believes the book is "one of the first models of human behavior to accurately account for both the influence of external stimuli and internal emotions on our habits."
This premium post is my attempt to turn Atomic Habits into a practical action plan. It includes all the highlights you need to know. If Clear claims the book is "an operating manual," then this premium post is your "quick start guide." Enjoy!
"There is an ancient Greek parable known as the Sorites Paradox, which talks about the effect one small action can have when repeated enough times. One formulation of the paradox goes as follows: Can one coin make a person rich? If you give a person a pile of ten coins, you wouldn’t claim that he or she is rich. But what if you add another? And another? And another? At some point, you will have to admit that no one can be rich unless one coin can make him or her so ... We can say the same about atomic habits. Can one tiny change transform your life? It’s unlikely you would say so. But what if you made another? And another? And another? At some point, you will have to admit that your life was transformed by one small change." — James Clear
Premium Summary Contents:
- What are Habits?
- Habit Watch-outs
- Habit Strategy (+ Infographic)
- Habit Tactics (+ Infographics)
- Habit Tracking

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