I went on the EvolutionFM podcast with Scott Britton on June 12, 2024.
“Kyle is a great human. If you haven’t checked out his site, it’s an incredibly robust resource for exploring consciousness and human development that synthesizes a ton of different viewpoints in one place.” — Scott Britton
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“EvolutionFM” Podcast: Psychology, Spirituality, Synthesizing, & More
Show Notes
0:00 — Intro
3:30 — Existential crisis, cognitive dissonance, inquiry and introspection, Catholic/Jesuit background
9:30 — Spiritual synthesizing, taking a broad approach to spiritual teachers/traditions, defining spirituality, falling in love with truth
11:45 — Waking up from conventional living, more people moving to postconventional psychological development
11:45 — Suffering vs unfolding, life just happening, life living you vs you living life
13:45 — Ken Wilber, Integral Theory, ego death feeling at any stage of psychological development, Susanne Cook-Greuter’s ego development theory, subject-object relationship as bridge between psychology and spirituality
16:45 — Howard Gardner’s synthesizing mind, articulating an intuition, lifelong learning flywheel of questioning to learning to developing, ever-deeper self-inquiry, all learning is in service of living, all learning tested against lived experience, building the best possible map in the mind to point to the territory beyond mind, waking up vs growing up, horizontal learning vs vertical development
26:00 — Life is the spiritual practice, meditation as what you do vs meditation as who you are, the learning and the living are one and the same in real-time, no checklist of practices (no meditation, no retreats, no events, etc).
30:45 — Closing the gap between reaction and reflection to real-time, ego-aware/construct-aware stage in EDT to watch your ego in real-time, defining awakening, aware of mind vs thinking you are your mind, postconventional stages of psychological development
43:00 — Where do desires and wants come from?, 6-pack abs thought experiment, wanting new wants, asking ‘Why?’ enough times always ends in ‘I don’t know’, certainty vs uncertainty
48:00 — Testing 3rd-person scientific explanations against 1st-person subjective experience, consilience between the two to align 1st & 3rd person
57:00 — Ikigai, truth of ikigai, Ikigai 2.0, money as optional byproduct
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